Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturdays...Not what the used to be!

So Saturdays used to be the day of sleep and play, the one we looked forward to all week long. But something has happened...well frankly it happened a long time ago. We lost our day. It has become shopping. laundry, cleaning and driving day. What is up with that!!!

Today at 4pm I finally stopped after cleaning the rugs, ucky doggy dirt and kiddy dirt and ---How did I walk barefoot on these? And now I am at the computer taking a few minutes away from answering work emails to keep track of my beloved blog. (lost my password a bit ago when opened a new g-mail account).

So I am here to say I want to reclaim Saturdays. Don't you?

I figure if I am failing at the "me time" during the week I deserve Saturday. So the question is what drives me to be insane all day on Saturday? I could do laundry on Friday night, I could clean on why not? Well if I can whine it would be because most days I am not home til after 7pm and that is NO time to clean or shop or anything. So maybe I need a cleaning person, hmmm if I gave up the coffee every day -- 3 dollars a day times 7 is $21.oo and the lunches I buy 4 out of 7 days..there is another $ golly I could likely hire someone to come and clean (at least as well as I do!)

Okay so here is to cleaning person, now who will shop for me? What could I give up?

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