Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sunny, sunny day..why am I blue ?

It is a sunny day. I am ready for some wonderful time away from the snow and cold to the warmth of a small island on the Florida gulf coast...but today I am a bit blue. I ponder how a few words can take a high moment or maybe just an average one into something not so nice. Now here is the thing: I allow it to happen. It is my choice to internalize things that are said, or to allow some one's bad become mine. Or even worse it may only be their bad moment and I choose to make it my bad day.

I am going to take today and turn it around. I have so much to be happy about. Stop worrying about the stuff I cannot control and take command of my day. It sounds so good huh? Now if I can just find that instruction book. Think I will start with my exercises and a really hot shower. Perhaps since it is almost 8 am I should just get off the couch and move. See I am already there. What do you do to move a moment or bad day to GOOD?


  1. One foot in front of the other and stop being so hard on yourself, Deb. And we all have feelings and it's okay to ponder it and absorb it, and then realize you have no control over the things people say to you, and it's okay to step back from that bad karma and go on with your days plans and agenda. You have a beautiful smile and people love to see it! Just smile and let the rest go.........

  2. Not sure if there is anything I can do properly to not turn a “good” day into a “bad” day because of someone else’s behavior or issues. Sometimes it’s just because I care for someone and if they are hurting, if they do I do.

    I do know that age does make most of us take petty things much less seriously (think back 25 years... bet things got to you a lot more then now)

    I do know what you mean… when I was on vacation last week someone started playing games… put a damper on my flight home. So, tried not to take ownership of the other person’s issue which felt like an attack on me.. but could not. Got home, still let it bother me for another 24 hours but then let it go when I finally realized it had nothing to do with me. It was just getting my mind straight once I got some rest.

    Sometimes too… when I feel joyful I let things get to me more than normal – almost a guilt for feeling joyful??? Dunno….

    You will be detached from it all next week!!!

  3. I think we all need to have a talk from Dr. Hamilton at least once a week. I just heard him for the first time, as he spoke to my staff (and me) today. Reminded me of the importance of finding our "center" and balance and reminded me of how I have lost my natural self in the process of trying to burn the candle at both ends at home and at work.(sound familiar, Deb?) And I realized that we all become a little more sensitive to others words and reactions to things as we become a little more "off balance" with out natural selves. We have to strive to be more honest with remaining who we really are as individuals and building that into our daily lives, at work and at home, so we are at our truest best that we can be to deal with what life has to throw at us each day. What do you ladies think?

  4. Kathy so true: "And I realized that we all become a little more sensitive to others words and reactions to things as we become a little more "off balance" with out natural selves."

    So much easier to emphasize vs criticize others when we are happy and balanced.

  5. thanks ladies you are both so wise and correct...

  6. It helps me to look around the bad thing and see what good things are going on. Okay, I exchange angry words with my husband. But my daughter and I have a positive interaction. The sky is blue and warm or mottled and full of change. The trees are complex against the sky. My car is warm and functioning. Work is a pleasant distraction, and so on. Usually, a bad thing is just one thing that happens in the midst of many good things. Go into the moment. Always go into the moment. Chances are that what is happening right now is just fine.
