So my Hannah corgi has a new dog park and it is just around the corner. I have discovered that she is prey for the Big dogs but loves the smaller dog play area. Dogs are funny, as I watch the dogs it is much like the parade of folks I watch with my mother having coffee on Sunday mornings. Some are very social and chat with all the other dogs, some stay to the edges watching and sometimes running with the pack but on the fringe. There are the leaders, Hannah is not one, and there are the followers. But all seem happy to arrive and be in the midst of fellow canines.
I have thought about my own life, my limited networks of personal friends. I am great with the business world relationships (well at least I think so) but I do very little to build my network of friends. I think, in part, I work hard and then just want to rest at the end of the day. But I also know that I lack enthusiasm or drive for social interactions that requires small talk or general conversation. Not sure why but there it is. The irony is that when I push myself to go out and do things with others I usually find it fun. But I am not sure it is always relaxing. SO my new goal is to keep my radar on for opportunities to interact, to join groups and to meet people. I need to nurture the friends I have and find new ones. Guess I will keep watching the dogs for some insights and think about it just a little bit longer!
I have limited network of friends also, as I get very uncomfortable in many social settings. Mostly from my own insecurities and inability to just "chit-chat" spontaneously. Like you, I find that I do have fun when I do go out with friends, but often I retreat to the security of home. I do a lot with Bonny, and my family but other than that, I am reclusive. It's kind of sad to me sometimes, but that is how I am. You are so honest with your feelings and sharing your emotions. I find that very refreshing. I would rather hear the truth about someone than the "edited" version we often present to others, the best of ourselves. But that seems like hard work. I love my friends and even though we never got the chance to socialize outside the work place, I consider you a friend. We have to be who we are, and recognize and accept the things we can't change, and be willing to change the things we can.
ReplyDeleteThanks I think you are a very special person in my lift. I read this and smiled.