How easy is it to think of what is wrong, to criticize and judge. How much easier it is to go negative than to find the good. I am almost certain that not everyone finds it so but for me it has been my first instinct. I had a man who worked for me who once said he always looked for Waldo, the forgotten detail or issue. While a critical eye and mind are crucial, in my opinion, to getting a job done well, it is also equally as important to find what is right.
I have decided that I want to give equal time, if not more time, to the good in things and people. To look at a situation and build upon what it is at its very best. It is hard for me. I am judging all the time, someones dress or style, looking for the hidden agenda in each conversation. I would like to start my new life, each day with a clean heart and open mind. To bring to each conversation hope and joy. I would like to take note of what worked well so that I might build on that. I would like to see my world as a series of magical events which are only possible in this one moment and will never occur exactly this way again. I want to see preciousness in the first conversations with God to the last good nights to those in my heart.
I am committed to trying, really trying to live on the brighter side. I am here in the land of glitz and glamor but I see that nothing has changed. I am still me, I have big feet with ugly heels. I have pretty eyes and new wrinkles daily. I get to share moments with the woman who raised me as broken and crazy as she is and the grand babies who still believe all is possible. I get to fully appreciate my son, so many miles away for his courage to live each day one at a time and the commitment of my daughter to fulfill her dream. I get to miss my husband and be glad for the missing knowing it is a measure of my love. I want to stay on the brighter side it is a good place to be.
loved it!!! i was very upset today. then i found out your blog. i loved this, and it surely gives me a reason to smile :) thanks