What has happened to me in midlife? I cannot remember as well as I once did. I keep lists and email myself information in the middle of the night. I have my email on speed dial on my cell phone. My lists are longer and sometimes I forget to cross things off, good heavens then I have to revisit the list several times. I always prided myself on my ability to multi-task and now I wonder why would anyone want to do so many things all at once? Ha I can simply take things one at a time on my list.
I might be smarter than ever before. I am certain that my overloaded brain is wiser. I am more selective about my investments (not money but time) and my battles (all of them). Yes I am still feisty enough to believe that life is a battlefield. Everyday you gear up and create a strategy. You watch your team mates (your side) and you watch more closely the enemy (those who do not favor your success or even those who are indifferent). But ultimately at least once a day you realized you have become bloodied by something and it is maturity and being wiser that informs how you respond.
Today's armor will be Tylenol, slightly dressing up to impress my opponents (I have it together is an image that can build relationships and intimidate if needed) and treats (food) for the meeting. If all else fails feed them. These are on my list. Now if I can just figure out what email I sent it to!
Boy Deb, currious about who you were meeting? Sounds like only the fittest might come out standing.