Why at 52 years old do I not try to have more fun? Or do I have fun in ways that I never considered in the past. No I am not spending hundreds on clothing (that can be occasionally fun if you can do it without guilt), no not traveling to my island..but when I think of it I do have fun.
Now fun is playing in the back yard on a sunny day with the grandchildren and my totally nuts Corgi. I marvel at her jumps and my heart is full watching them sprint from one corner of the yard to the other.
This weekend we played the alphabet game (for each letter we needed to find something in the yard that began with that letter). We lined all our findings up in row carefully using rocks to hold down the "hay for H" that was flying away. It was a two hour game and we made it to X before an afternoon shower. This was, in my opinion a good thing as I had no idea what to do with X. But on the way up the steps to the kitchen door little five year old said: "Nana right there an X now we can look for Y" I looked over and leaning against the house was a piece of lattice with yes "x"in its design. Fun!
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