Who does not love Saturday mornings? I love them. There are Saturdays when the list of to do's is long but even then it feels good. Taking care of home, enjoying work at the pace I choose. Playing a bit of catch in the back yard during lunch. Or sitting in bed with my lap top til ten...ah love those lazy Saturday mornings. Everyone is home and we get to be family. Simple!
The there are the summer Yard sales-got to love buying someone's junk. We do it all the time. Of course then we have a day like this one that we take a truck load of junk to the dump..all the spare parts and would be projects. I hear the yard sale down the street calling me right now!
By the end of the day I get to sit with a giant ice tea, feel the sun on my face and know that I have done good work! I love Saturdays!
I enjoy Saturday mornings too. John is at work, Ailie is usually sleeping. I get up a little later than usual and drink a cup of coffee while writing my three pages. Then I clean house, move stuff around, get things back in order from a week of work and away-from-home activities. By the time John is home at 10, I am ready to do something with him. Today we took the chain saw to Reids for an overhaul, then to Lost Gull for clam cakes and The Maine Bookhouse (great used bookstore in Oxford -- Harry is the owner -- wonderful guy) to browse. I bought "The Joy of Living" by a Tibetan monk (don't know his name and the book is upstairs) and a Kriapalu cookbook -- vegetarian stuff. John didn't find anything this time. Home for naps, reading, then a kayak jaunt with Chris Davis -- we saw several turtles, three beavers and a hawk being chased by a much smaller bird. Lovely day. Lovely Saturday morning.
ReplyDeleteThis past Saturday was a special one indeed. Woke up at Hart Hall at UMO with Daniel and got ready for the fun and excitement ahead. Dan saw many old friends and made new ones. He did great in his events. A Gold in the 100meter, and a Bronze in the 1 mile walk. Also a 7th place in the 200 meter. I think his favorite part was the picture taken with the "McDonalds Southern Belles" , and the dance, of course. The weather was picture perfect and this particular Saturday was monumental!!
ReplyDeleteI read these comments and all I see is the thread that binds us all together, the love of family.When our family is happy and well, we clearly are too. Deb states "Everyone is home and we get to be family" Laurie shares that she is enjoying doing activites with John and Kathy speaks of her happiness when watching Dan at Special Olympics and describes the day as "monumental". We celebrated our daughter's 22nd birthday and spent time with my husband's 89 year old mother.Glorious,relaxing time spent with those that matter so much to us. May we have MANY of those times in this season of warmth and growth!
ReplyDeleteBeautifully put Terry! How true that family is the start and the middle and the end for us all. I know it is what makes all the rest of life have meaning.
ReplyDeleteThis Saturday morning was spent at Reid Stae Park at the Christian Adoption Agency reunion, who we adopted Sara and Daniel through, and we saw folks we haven't seen in over 20 years. Another special Saturday with family. Saturdays and families go together perfectly!! Hope everyone had a lovely Saturday today!
ReplyDeleteOh that is so very cool. You had such a beautiful day for such an event. I hope that you took pictures. I would love to hear more about your feelings on adoption, it seems to me that it is such a loving act and gift to give another human being and yourselves.
ReplyDeleteWe need to have a day together and talk about anything and everything and enjoy getting to know each other further. I feel so close to you and we have so many things to learn about each other and to share.......away from work, family, distractions, NO AGENDAS, and time to just be. What do you say?
ReplyDeleteYES I think we do need that...the question is when??? I believe we could find time at a beach for a walk at least..what say you?
ReplyDeleteWow! Look how long it took me to get to the blog to answer this!! Unreal, the fleeting of time, space and insanity. I need to head south when you are in Eliot and meet you at Wells beach, and go for a nice walk and get some ice cream. Oh yeah, ICE CREAM!!! I hope to take a day off soon to head south and see Sara's new apartment in Kennebunk. Maybe when I do, we can walk on the beach and enjoy...