So as I work my faith and hope how do I also take care of my body. I realized that I have been so far behind, this is not a good sign. I find the fifteen or twenty minutes in the morning to give to reading and saying hello to my Blog buddies. But I forget to take care of the shell that protects this wonderful human being (no I do not fully believe that but we are working) Asking yourself who is we? My soul, myself, my faith, my God, all of us....we are all in here. Today I commit to a walk before I end the day and a twenty minute stretch and yoga work out. Now you heard it here!
I am leaving for meetings and business but carrying with me the hopefulness that I can find balance and peacefulness in my heart. This is when the big girl has to take over. It is so easy to find all those things with limited demands and just yourself but when you are called to hold the fragile huddle of family together, as mothers and sisters and aunts often do, that is where we lead.
Maybe instead of being the "big girl" we all need to be the "little girl" and let all that responsiblity stuff go away for a short time and let others hold the fort down, and then we can go run on the beach and laugh and enjoy the sun and be our true inner child for a few moments in time....Come on Deb....let's go!!!
ReplyDeleteSo true and important to think of, Kathy. Ironicly, I went to lunch today with some ladies from work and I said that there are times that I definately miss being young with no responsibilities, no agenda, no to-do's. The freedom of worries, obligations, and the world that revolves around just you is so priceless!!! Just ironic how when we are young, we mcan't wait to grow up...
ReplyDeleteYes, yes it is so important. I find that there are rare times that I am just free to let it all go. At night the grand children and I have a ritiual that we finish tub time with candle light and whispers...so for about ten minutes maybe less they sit with just a candle and enjoy the warm water...they love candle time. I try really hard to stop thinking what is next and just observe the quiet the sound of their voice and the energy change.
ReplyDeleteAt church on Sunday (which it had been a while) I just got lost for the most part...at some point during the sermon I almost felt as if some little voice said "hey check this part out, listen now this is good" and he took me to a place that I absolutely needed to be. I heard what I needed to hear and I got peaceful. Got to love those relevant moments. I think running is a great idea...away from the whirling sound and noise.
What a gift,teaching the "girls" about being still and enjoying living in the moment with candle time.I worry about the hurried pace we live in and the information bombardment that children are growing up in. How else can they learn to be still and start to hear their inner voice if not role modeled to them. Great idea Deb!
ReplyDeleteThanks Terry ...we like it. I totally agree with information and entertainment overload. How do we keep finding ways to help the next generation to enjoy quiet when there are so few places where something is not "going on"? My 23 year old needs his head phones, ipod or iphone...just no real taste for down time. He is trying to learn but it is hard. Funny that we did the candle tub time one night when they were out of control and now they ask every night. GO figure.