So it is everywhere right now. I have a dear friend, Frank. He would kill me for telling you this about him but I will take the risk. Frank's dad is dying, the days are surely short right now.
Frank works in a very high level Human Resource position in a large company, he is a Board President for a local nonprofit and generally one of the busiest people I know.
Frank drives from the seacoast of NH every Friday to Northern Vermont (I believe it is a four hour drive) to care for his father all weekend...he returns Sunday night. The rest of the week Frank schedules, does payroll and manages a staff of care givers. This we all know is no easy thing!
But there is more...Frank introduced me to Hillary via the web some years ago, he regularly is in touch with her, visits and cares for her and her family. The truth is he has children and families all over the country that he helps and supports in a variety of ways. Once he owned a horse somewhere that he bought for a special young girl he knew.
Frank is a Marine, a Vietnam vet with in country action (of course he left the corps years ago but as you may not know --once a Marine always---and well they are a unique breed...I can say this my daughter graduated Marine corps officer candidate school some years back).
Frank is a straight shooter, pretends to be a hard ass and well actually he is. But there is this side of him that is like an angel moving around the world touching and caring for people in unique and wonderful ways. I wanted to share Frank's story because I can only imagine how this stoic, self contained man will deal with his father's death. While they struggled--who does not when caring for their parent? I am amazed at this man, he is a rare breed. How lucky we are to have people like Frank out there who quietly (this is why he would kill me for saying all this) care for those around them. Seems like in these days we all need a little more Frank in and around us. Here is to him and a big HUG for his pain right now. Do you know a Frank? Maybe you secretly are.
Your description of Frank..."is like an angel moving around the world touching and caring for people in unique and wonderful ways"...is a good description of what I thought when I had the opportunity to talk with him. My first impression of him was being so very genuine, so caring, so devoted to those he cares about. During our conversation I heard his voice go from almost bubbly enthusiasm to one of deep concern and worry when we talked about Hillary. When I was talking with Frank it was easy to see why you speak so highly of him. His ia a wonderful person who is genuine and sincere. He works his miracles/magic without fanfare and wants to remain in the background not taking credit for the joy, happiness, encouragement, and wonders that he does for others. Just talking with him once he was offering me encouragement and support (you had already shared my story with him) and suggested I was a hero of sorts because I've helped others facing similar situations. Frank is the true hero here! What he has done, and is doing for Hillary and others is amazing. I'm sure there are many more like Frank, those that prefer to remain in the shadows but go on doing their good work quietly and unknown. They are like the guardian angels that stand watch over us helping us to survive the storms and ride out the tidal waves we all find ourselves on from time to time. This time it's Frank who is riding the waves and fighting the storm. My heart goes out to him and wish I could send him a big HUG too.
ReplyDeleteYou ask if we know a Frank. I know a Frank and she works at TPC. We have an angel among us who gives of herself at every opportunity. I know because I was the reciepient of her caring and generosity more than once. On the first occassion of being touched by our angel it took me nearly 3 years to find out who she is. The second time I caught her in the act so I had the opportunity to give her the huge hug and thank you she deserved. Yes, angels do walk among us and even work with us. I am truly blessed to know her and call her my friend.
Deb, please keep me posted on Frank's situation. He truly is a remarkable man.
I think I know the person you mean. Amazing huh how some people give and want to do so with quiet and private. It is great!
ReplyDeleteI think I know two "Franks" -- perhaps more but, as you said, hard to know. I also suspect you are one... just a suspicion :)