I am tired of hot flashes...it seems that for the past ten years they have been a part of my life, my clothing choices, my make up (which one melts with heat) and my sleeping patterns. I know that somethings make it worse, like wine or any kind of good drink! Coffee, I am guessing the caffeine...I love coffee! I hate the feeling of having my body heat from the core and knowing the sweat is soon to follow. Sitting in a meeting, people on all sides you feel it coming one and nothing will stop the end result. Ah these are the times!
Lately these furnace moments have been worse and I am starting for feel a bit pissy. I have gone to war, taken all kinds of herbs, tea drinks and hormones swallowed vitamins fit only for horses with no real success. I heat up and cool down several times a day. I am no wonder woman and feel somewhat defeated. My question today is this: How long? How long will I be in this phase? Seems like since forty years of life this has been a part of my existence....When might I wear a light blue or pink blouse again and not have to wear a sweater? Might I drink a few glasses of wine and sleep through the night? And while I am at it....just curious will phase two of this passage be that my bladder will wake me several more times a night or fail when I have a bad cough? Oh Joy ladies we are so blessed.
Would I be a man if it were available to me? I am still pretty much positive that I would rather be a woman, at least I think so.