Over the past months I have read, talked and considered what we mean by the soul. What is my soul, where is it and how do I reach it? It is an interesting study and I would love to have some thoughts from all of you. Phrases that I have come across include: of purity of thought, spiritual nourishment, always present or the 'soul story'. Reaching the soul or speak with our soul requires, it seems fairly universal---quiet time, meditation or as one author put it; "I have come to appreciate that having an aesthetic eye takes me effortlessly into the soul" (Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD)--ah seeing a beautiful flower and really appreciating it for all its glory?
I read, I try to absorb and think it through and then I get lost. Some seem to suggest that our soul has lived forever and we are merely the keeper in our life time. I would assume that this leads to the belief that we have access to different lives.
Some seem to believe that the soul is about spirituality "I think we would be able to live in this world more peacefully if our spirituality were to come from looking not just into infinity but very closely at the world around us--and appreciating its depth and divinity" (Thomas Moore)
or even more "When your life is filled with the desire to see the holiness in everyday life, something magical happens; ordinary life becomes extraordinary, and the very process of life begins to nourish your soul" (Rabbi Kushner)
Ultimately I do find that if I can shut the noise down in my head, the negative voices or the loud clashing self demanding lady that lives in my brain, I am happier. But still I am wondering how do I know my soul and am I nourishing it? How do I know? Do you know?
Here is my simplistic view on our souls. Your soul is who you are. I realized the meaning of our bodies are just a shell, a
ReplyDelete"house" so to speak, for our soul....for who we are. When my grandmother passed, and I went to her funeral, I came to the full realization of body vs' soul. Lying there, I saw her image, but around me, I felt her presence, her soul. To me, your soul is the deep rooted, honest reflection of who a person really is. Your body goes to dust, so to speak, but a persons' soul lives forever. Who they are, who they were and how they impacted your life. Your soul is who you are, with no walls to hide behind. It is beautiful and true.
Wow Kathy that is so wonderful. What a wonderful way to think if it. Thanks so much for sharing your story and thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI believe I am one with the universe (well, I believe that we all are, but I don't want to impose my beliefs on anyone else) -- that any perception of division -- a body versus a spirit, a mind versus a soul -- is an illusion. Sometimes, when I'm feeling cocky, I feel the universe is one with me.
ReplyDeleteI love the diversity of beliefs, thoughts and opinions. It opens a mind up to different ways of looking at things, and how other people look at things. Very interesting...........
ReplyDeleteI'm with Kathy on this one: "Your soul is who you are"
ReplyDeleteBelieve it is a step deeper than my heart and my conscience and that it feels neither pain nor joy.
That's because I think the heart and conscience have the mind involved and can make mistakes due to other influences. Many times I’ve thought I did the right thing and realized later that it was not really my core… and did conflict with my soul.
So, when do we develop our soul? Birth or later? And, what is the difference between our soul and our values?
I just wonder what if the soul is with us at birth? Is it possible?
ReplyDeleteYou wrote: Some seem to suggest that our soul has lived forever and we are merely the keeper in our life time. I would assume that this leads to the belief that we have access to different lives.
ReplyDeleteSo, perhaps we do?
I believe that we are each born with our soul. It is who you are, the essence of each of us. You have to be born with a soul. Life circumstance and situation, choices and mistakes, desires and beliefs may try to alter your soul, but your soul is there, to be discovered if you are open to knowing the true YOU! I think that our souls "live" forever, in the essence of remembrance of who we were when we were alive in our bodies. If any of that makes sense by my less than adequate explanation. (I know what I mean, afterall! )
ReplyDeleteI hear what you mean Kathy. I think that the soul could be like our genes...a part of all those wonderful relatives ahead of us. If so then are there parts of all those before us? I often feel that I was born with an old soul, from a very young age I intuitively knew things and saw things that had yet to come. I often wondered how my soul was so wise...then I spent a bunch of years ignoring my poor soul. I am now more aware of the precious moments and the small voice calling me at my most difficult times. I am trying, yes trying, to hear that voice and sit with its message.
ReplyDelete"You have to be born with a soul. Life circumstance and situation, choices and mistakes, desires and beliefs may try to alter your soul, but your soul is there, to be discovered if you are open to knowing the true YOU!"
ReplyDeleteI agree Kathy, esp with "may try to alter" cannot alter what you are to the core.
Deb, what do you mean by ignoring your soul? Mistakes made (ignore comment if too personal) or just not being spiritual in your earlier days?
I feel that when I spend time focused on the material things, the way I look, what others may think of me, am I thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough.....I do not connect with the true person I am meant to be. I lack a connection to my soul.
ReplyDeleteWhen I experience faith, in prayer or in a quiet moment then I allow myself freedom from my ego, I am with my soul.
This morning awaking beside my husband, the alarm had sounded and been shut off, there was quiet a wonderful blanket of cotton silence. My eyes were shut then suddenly I began to tick down the list of unfinished business and the self critical commentary for failing to complete my unending list of "to dos". I decided to stop, remain still, to listen to his breath, to feel his warm arm next to mine...to give myself a small amount of time in the warmth and comfort of the moment. My breathing naturally aligned with his, I felt each breath as if it were mine and the morning was filled with sweetness.
It was short, relative to the whole of my day, but it was a small hello a kiss to my soul. It is hard for me nourish my soul and when I do I am always aware of the gifts in return.
Soul time is faithful time, God time, it is being one with me and it is purposeful--quiet.For many years I moved too fast, too competitively and without regard for my own care, in fact I am not certain I liked myself at all...I was not in touch with the real purpose of my life or the desire of my soul. As I have found glimpses into my deepest being I am filled with the grace and mercy possible for us all. I nourish my soul then....not enough...but a commitment to keep trying.
What a beautiful feeling that is.
ReplyDeleteI sat in my favorite chair this weekend and thought in peace for a short while. Rarely do this and perhaps achieved something similar.
I disagree with: "I feel that when I spend time focused on the material things, the way I look, what others may think of me, am I thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough.....I do not connect with the true person I am meant to be. I lack a connection to my soul."
Obviously some of this is vanity. You and I both break a commandment on this (please excuse my Catholicism which I do not always adhere to)
But I truly believe that a good portion is our human need to fulfill social and professional expectations. Totally outside of the "soul."
Can the person you are today go to bed confident you did the best could as a Christian? (please excuse my belief, I mean what ever we believe to agree with the soul.)
Bet you can. Your comments prove it.
Deb, you are so struggling with your perception of who you are, and why you are, and what it all means. I do that, but not in such a public format as you do. I'm too fat, I'm not accomplished, I'm not involved in my community, I'm ....whatever I am.. I am never happy or satisfied with who I am, how I look, what I do, say, or achieve, ever! But I think about when I shared a hug with Linda B. at the Center, and how much that means to her (and me) and when I have many of those one on one moments with people, when a smile is shared, a comforting word is spoken, a tear is shed, without fear of ridicule or shame, and I KNOW that I helped a single person to feel better about themselves for that one moment, and it matters. YOU do that for many people each and every day, whether they know it or not. You are so special and important and crucial to the battle we fight each day. The battle for equality and acceptance. Don't be so hard on yourself, please. What you do matters so much, and I couldn't do what I do without you paving the way and knocking down the walls that need to be knocked down. But every once in a while, you can take a break, and let the walls stand where they stand. And you will be okay. We need to share a couple of bottles of wine and let it all out!! You let me know when, and I will be there!
ReplyDeleteI do believe that wine has a wonderful power to cure the ills of the world. Soon, maybe next week?
ReplyDeleteNext week would be great! Let me know.....and, Happy Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteIt's the year of "The Stacy" you know! So, I think Stacy needs to stop by, and I need to bring an overnight bag, and maybe show up at work a little late......
ReplyDeleteWe all need to sit in our favorite chair in thought and peace and regroup our busy thoughts and focus on our sour, the core of who we are, and remind ourselves of all we have accomplished, all we have strived for, all the people who's lives we have touched and made a little better. Life is too busy and too filled with obstacles and challenges but when we take time to look at all that, we can all find something we did that reconnects us with our soul and our faith. I also believe that we can all go to bed confident that we did the best that we could any particular day.
ReplyDeleteplease don't focus on your "sour"! I really need to proofread before I click! LOL!
ReplyDeleteThe favorite chair seems more significant as I get older...suddenly I find myself as I remember my father landing in the same spot at the end of the day. Finding a quiet moment is so critical and often most missed.