Okay here we are. I am not putting much here. (thought the guy was kind of cute) The goal is to check in and keep each other accountable and try to find ways to get healthy again.
I will set up a TPC account with the local fitness center, Personal Best, so that employees can join for almost nothing...Nancy any time you want to make the trip! Hey and they have a bunch of classes that are only a little extra cash...I think she said a punch card of 10 is 25 dollars, not bad 2.50 per class for members. I am also making sure our consumers can use the gym, at least the ones who wish to. So we have that.
I think if we check in and push each other, share good ideas, and make this a priority we can do it. I have been using the Exercise TV show, on my computer when I am up north. I downloaded a bunch of work outs including the Jillian Micheal's ones (she is from the biggest loser) her workouts kick some serious buns. Yesterday I did her one hour work out. Now if I could give up the snacks at night I might make some head way!
Just finished my second one hour work out with that horrible lady Jillian. I am sore but glad it is over. What torture have you done to yourself today?
ReplyDeleteYou are way ahead of me, woman! I am constantly under siege from 6 doggies, Daniel, husband, laundry, dishes, floors, and "I need this, where is that", kind of thing. I went in to town today to pick up some groceries, on third load of laundry, already vacuumed, made rice krispie squares (forgive me!) chicken dinner, shoveled the dog pen out a bit so when it snows tonight they can't just run over the top of the fence and escape. Messed around on the computer for a while, lit some candles, poured a glass of wine, and now I'm gonna eat. Lordy, I know I can fit some exercise in there somewhere, but it probably isn't going to be inside this house!
ReplyDeleteOh Kathy we can find a way...I hear that. All the demands. You need your girl friends to make sure that you do not let yourself get sucked into the black void. Like the candle and glass of wine. And especially liked that you remembered that the doggies might escape..that is something I would do all the while wondering why no one else had figured it was important. I do love self pity. Not to worry...the old gym jock is still in you. Remember the ole saying muscle has memory...I am betting on that! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat Deb... I ordered one of Jillian's dvds .... sounds painful! Did get the one with 20 min routines, I think... hope....
ReplyDeleteThey are all good...I started with her 20 minute work outs...On the weekends I do the long ones...and Monday I just plain feel sore...Today was not so great....I did about 15 min...and then just did an hour of snow removal. But I used my snow blower for some of it..little and feisty so not real easy to move. Better then shoveling this stuff that is hip deep. Hmmm better step it up tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteThe snow removal MUST count for a workout -- Arnie said it was heavy snow. So, Deb, you did 2 workouts today great!!
ReplyDeleteI think I did OK. We walked almost 4 miles on the beach (easy to walk on since Hilton Head but it was cold... no snow though) Then a mile or so more sightseeing. Ate more than usual but not too bad.
Dad is a walker - was afraid I might not be able to keep up. Thank God I did not have a problem, actually needed to slow down because I thought he was huffing too much. We are staying on the 4th floor, taking the stairs (but only making dad take them down)
Kathy -- you will find time!! Know it!!
Great work Nancy. I love walking it hurts my hip but it feels great while I do it. I think that with extra work outs I might be able to get past that...I am hopeful. I am liking this...I want to get active and down a size in my jeans. I want my favorite jeans again!
ReplyDeleteWe both will be wearing the small (or at least smaller ones) You before me!
ReplyDeleteAnd for me all the shorts and capris I needed to try on while packing (not good.... pickings were poor) NOT buying new summer pants!
My hips hurt but that's OK. When I get back I plan to make my belly muscles hurt... will complain :) and blame it on you! Take it as a complement when I do
2/24: I think (hope) I ended up even today - probably walked a couple of miles but leisurely. Did take a quick walk in am and pm faster (with a few stair trips) Ate too much.... tomorrow back for at least 4 mile good walk on the beach
ReplyDeleteI am right there with you...not enough to offset the intake..this is hard..okay tomorrow morning up early and doing the long version of the work out!
ReplyDeleteI WISH I had the opportunity to walk for miles on the beach!! How wonderful that would be.
ReplyDeleteI laughed a lot today.
ReplyDeleteGreat Laurie!!!
ReplyDelete2/25: Dad and I walked at least 5 miles today at a great pace. Am tiring him out... not sure if he does not want to be alone or if he knows this is good for him. Did the four flights at least 6 times. Good salad for lunch, did have some french fries at dinner (not too many, just a small reward) Confident I ended up ahead today.
One more day and back to the snow reality... so easy down here, need to figure out what to do starting Friday.... or Sat since getting in so late tomorrow and work will be hell on Fri.
Kathy- it's great but very cold and windy, might get one day of warm weather tomorrow :) St Martin with my honey would be better!! Next year, hope..
Yep I did a morning workout ..BUT not the long one..have a knee issue that I think has come from too many squats...But worked arms and did a few more chest exercise than normal. I think I am ahead. If I just stay out of the kitchen :) good luck Nancy coming back...it is cold!
ReplyDeleteGreat Deb! Very smart not to push something that hurts. Did you say you had knee issues from running in a prev post?
ReplyDeleteI am hungry -- since I don't eat large meals I know I need a snack.
ReplyDeleteThere is a southern cheese spread in the fridge and a box of triskets on the counter. Deb it's because of you I AM eating a few triskets and NOT eating the evil (delicious) cheese stuff in the fridge!!!
Will have a LITTLE of the cheese stuff tomorrow (but not tonight, since I already had some today...)
Thank you all for accountability!!
Yeah the snacks are the killer. That is why I loved running...run 6 miles a day and you can eat whatever you want! I love cheese too! Keep going it is almost time to read and sleep.
ReplyDeleteCatch up.
ReplyDelete2/26: did great - Dad and I walked at least 5 miles again. And he did close to that today (2/27) Then needed to get on the plane to go home...
2/27: did nothing! Got in early morning, crashed, slept in, worked some and that was it. Did try on one pair of capris to see if they fit better - not really, but I feel better and will keep it up
Last night I went with Bob to dinner and then tried to find a bathing suit for Florida..what was I thinking? Oh my goodness they looked awful. I am doing the long workout this morning...I am also going to start walking again I think it is better for my legs. Having a nice day like yesterday just made it seem even better. You know my two grand daughters can walk, and fast, miles. The younger one will walk about two miles before she quits ..the four year old loves to walk and she will walk with me (which for her is a trot) for three to four miles. This is because they have done this with their mother forever..can you imagine what a great head start they have? Ok off to walk!
ReplyDeleteYep, what were you thinking?? Trying on bathing suits AFTER dinner - not smart :)
ReplyDeleteWhere and when for FL?
Sounds like your grand daughters not only have a good start with health but also with attention span. Wow.
2/28: Not sure how far I walked but it was on a trail our son broke for me on the snow mobile to snowshoe -- good long one with dogs Bud and Riley (neighbor) - with some tough spots because of downed trees. So, fun EXCEPT for Riley deciding to take one of my boots home with him. It's since been returned :)
ReplyDeleteI walked two miles with my dog, Cindy Lu today, and also ate a nice, healthy green salad for lunch! It's a start...
ReplyDeleteI vote for Kathy getting the kudos of the day!!
ReplyDeleteHey Kathy I am with Nancy!!! Kudos. Join the club. I ran one mile..walked the next and did the 20 minute Red Carpet Arms work out :)...while stupid I do believe arms make a good statement.
ReplyDeleteNancy I know what the heck was I thinking..good news is that there is not where to go but up from here ladies!!!! I am leaving for Pine Island Florida on Friday the 6th for one week...very excited...the weather report is for 80 degree days and high 50's at night...Cool huh? or should I say warm! Sorry could not resist.
Kathy keep it up. Nancy good for you. Today we ALL had a good day. Yipppeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you checked out Michelle Obama's arms (don't want her rear but love her arms)? Gosh... Mine are skinny but with flab... would love good arms. Tried a couple years back with no results (except for lugging water cans to the gardens, that helps)
ReplyDeleteYep, we all had a good day! Kathy - give daily updates, good or bad and I promise I will not track them…
Envious of Deb's trip (and yes, Kathy and I will now need to hear daily updates on fun, and warm weather exercise good because it is coming to ME soon)
Arnie and I are talking summer vacation since we canceled ours last year due to Mom's death. Dog is an issue since he's getting old. We'll probably go camping to include Bud.
I am looking for some beginner yoga routines and will download some. I have big flexibility issues and I have fibromyalgia, so yoga would be great for me, and walking daily also. Good place to start. And strong arms, oh, I remember the days. My upper body strength was amazing, and I am NOT going to have flabby underarms!! If God wanted us to have flabby arms, he would have given us wings.LOL! So, let's get those arms pumpin'! And thanks for the support. This format is wonderful for us to keep each other excited and motivated about our health. Thanks, Deb, for starting this blog in the first place. Ok, back to yoga videos. I have my mat out.....
ReplyDeleteLaurie is big into Yoga. It is definitely great for the body and the mind. My son Matt used to call the flabby arms "cafeteria arms" because the ladies that monitored the cafe all had them. So I hear the cafeteria arms for sure. As Jillian Michael says "the arms are the one part of our body that is naked the most" guess they are worth some effort! Off to my exercise video! How was Yoga. Nancy BTW thanks for motivating me to walk it really does do the best for legs.
ReplyDeleteI downloaded the Yoga video and haven't done it yet. I did shovel off the deck from the last storm we had, and went into town to get some things, and cleaned when I got back. Now gonna make dinner and then go for a walk. I somehow hurt my left knee in a different area, but I will work that out.
ReplyDeleteThat was heavy snow, correct? Patio is usually my shoveling job but Arnie did it last week since he wanted to get at the grill.
ReplyDeleteGood for you on the walk too. I don't think I'm going to get out today.... oh, maybe a quick street walk up and down the hill...
Let me know about the yoga -- I've never tried it. The DVD I ordered on Deb's recommendation is not here yet... hoping tomorrow.
Four mile walk yesterday with Ailie and my friend, Chris. Hour of yin yoga (five minute poses to target the joints) focusing on the liver and gall bladder meridians (a lot of hip work) -- transcendent stuff. Snow is starting -- better bring in some wood. Oh -- saw production of Sweeney Todd at Merrill Auditorium yesterday evening -- Ailie and I walked around the Old Port and ate Indian food before the show. Great show and it counts as healthy because it stimulated my brain.
ReplyDeleteYoga -- I started doing it regularly about three, four years ago and I can't imagine my life without it. I rarely get sick, and if I do, I get well quickly. I take a weekly class and I do yoga at home about 3 to 5 times a week, usually about an hour at a time. But yoga enters into everything, so really, I do yoga most of the time. My back feels good, my hips feel good, I breathe deeply and calmly. I feel good all of the time, truly and sincerely. If I awaken at night, I feel into my body and fall back asleep quickly, so I am well-rested. Yoga is a yoke between mind and body and when I am in a pose, I feel I am my body and am truly resting in my body. I love yoga. It is subtle and profound, quiet and unassuming and life-transforming. It is non-competitive and teaches many lessons on the mat that can be applied off the mat. It doesn't have to be anything more than a pleasant way to limber up your body but I think most people who stay with it for a while find that it has repercussions they did not anticipate. I recommend taking a class over dvds, books or tv shows, at least initially. I have some good dvds and have read a lot about yoga but Eliza, my teacher, really brought it to life for me.
ReplyDeleteThat is a wonderful way to look at it. I wish I could be better about it. You offer a great insight here and I love the passion. Today I ran two miles with minimal pain....for me running is where it is at. I hope and pray that I can find a way to make my body healthy enough to run, at least a few miles a day. It is where I meet myself and find quiet.
ReplyDeleteDeb - Fantastic
ReplyDeleteLaurie - Fantastic
Tie between you 2 for kudos. Kathy might beat with report later. I lose totally. All I did was eat a huge amount of broccoli (yuk but good for me)
Pricilla - check in!! Does not matter what you do - anything minor which contributes to health.
I did a short mile walk up the hill and back and that is it for yesterday. Today, it's the shoveling thing, and since Sara is home today, her and I will do some yoga stretches. She is good at that and it is rare that we are home at the same time to do that. I will let you know if my plans produced the desired results!!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds really nice. I am just about to get my work out program started. Had coffee, read emails and now I get start getting ready for a snowy day work out! Might even do a little yoga for cool down and focus!
ReplyDeleteExercise = pain in my arthritic back, knees, feet and toes. Of course, I do know that if I did exercise it wouldn’t hurt as much later. I spent many months going to physical therapy at least twice a week for my problems. In addition to the arthritis, I have very weak lower back and hip muscles. Sometimes they aren’t able to support my upper torso without a lot of pain and discomfort. If that wasn’t enough, my right shoulder blade doesn’t always stay where it belongs. That can take a few sessions with PT to get back in place. Ladies…don’t get old! You have to be crusty old biddy to survive old age!
ReplyDeleteI haven’t given up on the exercise that I know will help. Last year I bought a Wii video game system. I didn’t buy it to play the games, although I do play them quite often, I got it for the “Fit” that I bought to go with it. Just as soon as I get new batteries for it I’ll be back using it again on a regular basis. My body will not tolerate any exercises that could be termed even remotely “High Impact” so the Fit is great for me. I like the Yoga exercises as working with the Fit you know if you have your weight distributed properly as it shows on the screen. I really try to work on my balance as I’m terribly afraid of falling. There are some exercises that I doubt if I’ll ever be able to do as my problem knees will not allow me to put my left foot on my right thigh while in a standing position. Heck, I don’t know if I could even do it lying down without experiencing terrible pain. The exercises on the Fit aren’t all the usual ones. I really like the “hula-hoop” exercise but I do admit that I make sure the curtains are closed before doing it. Deb, if we want a money-making idea why not charge admission to see folks my age try to hula hoop? It’s good for comic relief anyway.
I never was in to running but I used to love to walk. My doctor kept telling me that I should walk on grass or sand but not paved surfaces. Did I listen to him? No! Then I did other very stupid things that took its toll on my knees, my feet and my toes. How stupid I was to wear 3” heels while working on a concrete floor. I was young and arthritis was something old people get. When you’re young you don’t think that one day you too will be old…..just like those old people with all those aches and pains. Oh well, hind-sight has 20-20 vision.
Now, for my plan! I plan to use the Wii Fit on a regular basis (having a constant supply of batteries available). I want to get to a place where I’ll be ready to start walking again once the sidewalks are free of ice. (Did anyone beside me notice the inches of ice on the sidewalk on Cottage Street between TPC and my apartment?) Daisy (my little dog) loves to walk and needs the exercise as much as I do. Last fall I had reached the point where we would walk 8/10 of a mile before my back screamed at me to stop. Before I started PT the last time I had trouble walking to Main Street from TPC without by back hurting. My goal for this spring is a modest one...to be able to walk over a mile before experiencing discomfort. Also in my plan is trying the local health club. I know that some machines, while tortuous, can really make a difference. Also, if attending in a group I’m more apt to keep with it and push myself to do more. Eating better is also in my plan. No! I should rephrase that. I already know how to eat so I don’t need to do that better...what needs to be better is what I’m eating. I’m pledging to eat more fruits and veggies along with more chicken and fish. Water is another thing that I need to pay more attention to as I certainly know that I need to drink a lot more of it. I’m already trying to make the switch from white to red wine as it’s better for me. Yes, wine is good for me and if anyone tells me to stop drinking it they’ll experience me whining about it!
There, that’s my plan and I hope to stick to it! I know from experience that if I’m not in a good place emotionally /mentally my plans will fail. I’ve got to focus on all the positive benefits to make this work. I’m relying on you ladies to keep at me and keep me focused.
Let the fun begin!!
Oh Pricilla! I am awestruck. I know as we age it gets so hard, heard of so many challenges from my Mom. You are RIGHT on track. Take it slow and easy with no chances of causing pain. Mom did have some success with water aerobics, she was diabetic so had issues with any impact. Yoga sounds great too.
ReplyDeleteI might need your help – think I’m going to get a Wii and now finally know someone with the Wii fit…. Hard to find it, they are sold out in most places but think I found one - might send you an email to review what I plan to purchase.
Give us updates!!! Good or bad. I will update now … and not good (:
3/2: Not a good day for health... woke up with a cold (timing says it's from the airplane) Get daily emails from Jillian Michaels since I ordered DVD (which is not here yet) and headline was not pushing it when you are sick. So did not.
ReplyDeleteExtremely worried about 2 friends. And just got an email from a third… her brother has cancer… sucks. So… gonna take more zicam, vit C and water… and hope that health and perspective is better in a day or so… onward!!
Rumor on the street is Pat V brought in evil, delicious cupcakes. Assume I'll see reports? LOL - I would have had a nibble if I was there...
ReplyDeleteI'll come clean....I ate an entire cupcake and all the cream cheese filling. It way yummy!! I didn't have breakfast this morning (running late) so the way I figure is I've burnt off all the calories/fat by running from my office to Deb's many times today. We goofed when the offices were built. There should have been a connecting door between her office and mine. The trip I take now is a lot of "s" curves when I jump up from my desk and run (hobble some days) around my desk and out my door to get to her office. Of course, that accounts for some exercise doesn't it? It must be enough to burn off the calories/fat from that cupcake. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.....or maybe the cupcake is sticking to me, right to my hips! I won't check the scale for a few days.
ReplyDeleteWorking over in the "other building" I missed out on the cupcakes. It's just as well!! I could not have refused so you just keep your cupcakes over there!!
ReplyDeleteRumor also has it the "other" building had healthy shakes today?
ReplyDelete3/3: Ok but not great for me. Still sick so laying back but got a rude awakening. Took the dog out for a quick street walk down Schoolhouse Hill. Very tough hill. Thought I did close to a mile. MapQuest says .50... so need to go further down the horrid hill tomorrow. Want to be ready for the first moment I can take out the bike. Still no Jillian DVD in the mail.
Caesar’s salad with shrimp for dinner (the real kind, no mayo) so that was good and it was yummy.
Pat V told me today she reads (cries and laughs)but since dial up at home she does not write. Darn. And she was not the one who told me about the cupcakes (my lips are sealed)
ReplyDeleteNo Miss Priscilla was enjoying a cupcake...I know that. But I must confess I split one with Pat...she really is wonderful to have in our office...I wish she would get her high speed internet air card...I will remind her to get one. I would love to have her on here!
ReplyDeleteToday was bad...I only did a ten minute routine this morning and just had no energy...Extra hard tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteDarn it.. looks like Deb figured us out Priscilla! She's too smart! And, I do agree, no breakfast made it well deserved. It's all in balance.
ReplyDeleteLove everyone's input would love Pat in the mix.
10 minutes is 10 better than no minutes.
Addendum -- 2 x .50 = 1 mile. So I did do a mile. Will try to make it 2 miles with the horrid hill over the next few days
ReplyDeleteHey that is a good thing!!!! Now we will call this the horrid hill workout! Hmmm I have a horrid two hill loop in Eliot...either way you go from home you end up with an awful hill toward the end of the four mile loop...It really does kill the kick at the end. Maybe I will challenge that in April. Good work Nancy!
ReplyDeleteI could plan a 3-4 mile loop route with portions of the horrid hill included (obviously both ways, different hills.) Accept your challenge. Should probably warn our dog :)
ReplyDelete3/4: Not a good health day. Still sick, did not exercise and my salad did not hold me overnight... so grazed when I woke up sneezing. Better days coming
ReplyDeleteYes they are Nancy do not give up. I have been feeling kind of ucky and work outs have been lame...but we keep it in the front and that is enough. I did a 30 minute work out, almost killed me, and had to stop a few times. But I am motivated. Warmer weather is coming and we will all be able to walk and enjoy. Keep the faith!
ReplyDeleteDeb, Great on the 30 minutes! Way ahead of me, feeling very sorry for myself because I feel like crap with this darn cold and had so much work to do today... What I would not give for a box of Kleenex coated with the moisturizer stuff...
ReplyDeleteHave a safe FUN trip!
I am so bad at keeping up with us. Worked 10 hours yesterday, in bed by 8:30. AUGH! I go it at noon today. Shooting for a walk up the road this before I go to work. I am working towards my "horrid hill" walk on my road. The complete walk would be a little over 4 miles, an average hill and a big, long hill to conquer! That is my goal to work towards this spring.
ReplyDeletethat is a great idea Kathy...no workoutfor me today flying all day.....But plan to pick up the walking and maybe run in Florida. Nancy hope you feel better...Prscilla how is the Wii?
ReplyDeleteGetting to the point of never going out in public again :) No more colds!! This one is not gone and is nasty - have not had one for so long SO feeling very sorry for myself.
ReplyDeleteSo nothing today outside of work and getting a haircut (coated myself up with anti-bacterial so my hairdressing friend would not get sick.) Cancelled a meeting because a friend in meeting has a husband in intense chemo… no risks) Not much food (so even, although not healthy) Nuff with woe is me!
IF I feel better tomorrow or Sunday am going for the 4 mile loop, or at least 2 miles - weather is suppose to be good.
And, heard BJ's might have the best deal for Wii. Bet we buy one on Sunday.
Want to live vicariously through Deb's warm vacation so keep us posted!
Daylight savings on Sunday…. Add a little warm weather and I think we’ll all find life good?
Well Nancy it is warm here for sure. 67 this morning...But I have to say that I am feeling so chubby...got to keep moving I know..just when all the old summer clothes look tight despite efforts it gets old...thinking that maybe I need to give up wine...I realize that often when I have wine it leads to snacks...So AFTER vacation will consider cutting back...I wonder how many calories in a glass of wine will have to look up. I am off for a short walk all in my place are still asleep...Get healthy! ZICAM baby I swear by it..the one you put in your nose.
ReplyDeleteDeb, remember it is still winter for us! Summer clothes will fit better when summer actually begins (they better!!) Hope you can stop worrying about it till after vacation. And, see what you are saying with "wine leads to snacks" -- it does not for me because I lost appetite last summer but it used to. And, hey, you don't sleep in on vacation?
ReplyDeleteFor me... Took the Zicam but not the nose kind - realize the nose kind (I hate putting the q-tip up my nose) has better results and will go back to it. BUT a perfectly organized cold. Out of it now except for cough - exactly 5 days.
No exercise because we had people here in and out all day and I went downtown on search of a Wii. Arnie and I JUST finished dinner - way late.
Tomorrow will finish my cleaning in the am and go for a very long walk, with hills in the pm. Then I am putting away my intellectual book, temporarily, and starting Wally Lamb's new book. Cannot wait.
67 in the morning must have lead to some good heat in the pm?
Ran one mile on the tread mill...almost killed me but helped off set the yummie shrimp scampi last night! off for a walk around this lovely island.
ReplyDeleteAmost made shrimp scampi tonight after reading this! But balance... we had pasta a few days ago so probably Tues or Wed.
ReplyDeleteI did walk 2 miles today - 50% downhill then 50%uphill... even the dog got tired. Thighs hurt so that is good (although I know they should not if I stretched)
Did buy a Wii -- love the bowling and because I am so aggressive it results in lunges... but only one side! Wii Fit coming on Wednesday. Need to get on the abs... really need to get on abs.
You must have quite the set up down there if it includes a treadmill. Cool. Hope you had a great vacation day and sorry you were docked an hour :)
Yeah huh...at least it is relaxing to catch up with the hour! Today is a road walk/run looking to do three miles...I got to work more on abs as well...not today though too much nice air to enjoy and feel like walking...AH 80 degrees and above every day...what a cool place to drop into.
ReplyDeleteDid not make it out today between work and weather. Did use Wii and killed my left thigh when I decided to try bowling with left hand. GREAT lunges. Sent a friend a note to get some good stretches.
ReplyDeleteCobb Salad for dinner, know I'll graze but made a few extra hard boiled eggs so I'll have one (or two) later. Probably should have had bread with salad but was not hungry enough. NOT eating the brownies Arnie has baking.
Oh, forgot... today wearing the jeans I bought when I was thin last summer.... I only buy Gap Long and Lean .... think they added some stretch material over the last year BUT know they do fit me better than a month ago! I'll try some older ones (sans stretch) tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteVery good Nancy! I am impressed. I ran yesterday and my right hip is kicking me today! I woke up here and looked out at this increidble ocean, slowly watched the sun come up...the fisherman return around 7:30 for breakfast at Captain's Fish House and the pelican take a bath out in front of the house. It is amazingly beautiful here. Well I am off to walk today..think better be careful of the running. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteWaht a great visual: "...the fisherman return around 7:30 for breakfast at Captain's Fish House and the pelican take a bath out in front of the house."
ReplyDeleteSounds like a long run which is great... but, sorry your hip hurts. You are smart not to run for a while
Have a wonderful, warm day!
3/11 -- Still can barely make it up and down the stairs due to Wii bowling... good pain in the buttock area but so painful in the thighs (total my fault). So took a relatively flat walk today - was .98 each way so counts for 2 miles (we have a long driveway) Did make Shrimp Scampi... wonder why I was craving this??? Used low carb pasta, no difference from the real stuff.
ReplyDeleteOk Deb, what other great dinners did you have this week?
I am enjoying reading this, and lovely places to eat, and wonderful views, and wishing I were on a vacation someplace warm!! I am feeling isolated in the exercise department and really, really fat!!! My road is muddy/slushy/icy and full of ruts and holes and I can't walk on it. Excuses, I know. My heart is in the right place, but my tired body is not. Gotta get the Wii and have some fun!
ReplyDeleteNo exercise today - busy and meetings.
ReplyDeleteWii Fit came, quick install after work. Weight in the low "normal" range, BMI fine, AGE: 61!!! I did not know it was tracking me taking my time during the tests. Will delete my Mii and take it over tomorrow. Geez! I am just a 47 year old who needs to get in shape!
Not hungry for dinner, as usual. Prepared London Broil, baked potato, salad. I normally skip or pick at one course (and it is sometimes the meat) but today I skipped the salad... (2 slices of thin beef and half of potato) Not good, but in the fridge so I BETTER eat the salad over next 24 hours. And, know I’ll be grazing later.
Kathy - come on over and create your Mii... but DON'T goof off during any of it :)
Stretches... and I so believe in them now since I screwed up and still have issues. Bette Thibault used to teach a class here in Turner. I went for years. She always said exercise should not hurt if you do the proper before and after stretches. I never hurt with her classes and was in pretty good shape back then – we did everything.
ReplyDeleteSo, I asked a friend who is a super fitness freak and runs marathons what to do. Here is what she sent me:
From “A”: “ http://exercise.about.com/cs/flexibility/l/blstretch.htm
This one is the best. I love the 6th one down; it's new to me and I use it all the time. You put one leg out in front of you in a 90 degree away from you and then lean over it with your back leg in the same position. So good! “
Thanks Nancy for the link. I am going to try some of these. It is great to have stretching as part of the routine. I think I need to do more stretching. Laurie is a great person for stretching with all her Yoga moves.
ReplyDeleteI have had those days when the stairs hurt, each one. No pain no gain. However at our age we have to be careful with this little saying. Sometimes pain is our body saying " are you kidding me? " Thus it does make wonderful sense to stretch even more at our age. I did learn to never stretch without a five minute general warm up of the body.
I printed off the stretches to do at home. Stretching is very important!!
ReplyDeleteSent Aliesha a note thanking her! She knows her stuff.
ReplyDeleteToday was COLD realized it when the truck came up to fill up Arnie’s diesel can in the barn and he was NOT here... and barn is down the driveway - someone needed to open the door... So, never went out after that… grrr to Arnie.
Played with Wii Fit early morning and did some “jogging” at lunch. Someday I might run like Deb? Yoga, balance, a little aerobics… dropped my age from 61 to 59 – have real balance issues (redoing the first test did NOT do the trick) So, progress – got good marks on yoga. Hope tomorrow for a long walk (in addition to Wii) AND hope to start on strength training by the weekend. Did not flip on the ab routine yet.
Today was OK I think. Between early morning and lunch break did 1.5 hours on Wii fit. Bound and determined to master hula hoop - and it is a workout, did master it to extent – did it many times so my heart rate was up. And went on to advanced Step aerobics (but fell off the board!) Still have balance issues.
ReplyDeleteWanted to walk but no time. Tomorrow, first thing. Also started strength training with legs and abs…. in addition to playing with the yoga. I suspect I might be complaining about ab pain tomorrow – unavoidable, way of out of shape.
Missed a FB email "A" sent me on hill walking/running which I'll post later - very good.
Again, think today was OK. Played with Wii for warmups and balance, did some stretches then 2 mile fast walk, with the just small hill.
ReplyDeleteArnie wanted pizza for dinner, he got stir fry. Tomorrow we head to Portsmouth for a day of fun, suspect minimal exercise and perhaps not very good eating, will make up early in the week.
Home again and not much activity yesterday...Going for a ten minute now and a walk later...wish me luck cause I really just want to do nothing! Nancy 2 miles is great. Kathy are you doing yoga? Priscilla how are you doing? And Laurie I have your Yoga cd...off to my work out!
ReplyDeleteWell, I did nothing today - except let the Wii analyze me. At least I am down to my true age with Wii age... but yesterday I was 2 years down. Still balance issues.
ReplyDeleteWe had a big lunch in Portsmouth. When we get hungry we will eat again (soon.) Picked up some chowder for Arnie and salad for me at Whole Foods ($7.99 a pound OUCH that is LAZY for greens) but I added some pad thai which I hope to enjoy tomorrow too. I’ll eat it early enough in the day (probably breakfast)
Good weather this week so we ALL should be reporting.
Suspect Laurie never stops with her plan. Know Deb is 100% diligent. Kathy is walking and I know cleaning (that counts)!
Pricilla, have not heard from you -- and I know the Wii Balance Board does accept AA batteries :) Give us your update!
Nancy I did my twenty minutes. Priscilla with your knee out you will have to do those in the chair upper body exercises. It is more strenuous than you could believe to sit and move your arms in big circles and up and down, punches work well also across body too...Let's hear it we are all in this together!
ReplyDeleteNancy where in Portsmouth did you eat lunch...that is my home territory. I would have such a hard time passing the chowder especially from whole foods.
Great job Deb! You will keep us all motivated!
ReplyDeletePricilla - what's up? Please be so careful... and in Wii world, SIT and do tennis or something. Keep upper body going carefully
We “gorged” (as much as I can do so… no much) at Muddy River Smokehouse - don't know the town well except for La Rosa's. LOVE Portsmouth - send ideas since we'll be back - should have asked Deb!
Today was OK - 30 minutes on Wii for aerobics (did it right with warm up, high pace [P's hula hoop over and over], and slow down) And 2 mile fast walk with Bud. Goal is to get walk down from 30 or so minutes to 20 or so minutes. Hope doable. Started the abs a couple days ago and will get back tomorrow – hurt!
Kind of OK day today. Decided to do Wii Fit strength exercises and did them horribly, esp since I increased the reps on the ab one.... it told me it might be to hard for me now... gosh…. Will drop to lower level and build up.
ReplyDeleteDid the 2 mile fast walk. We did have take out pizza for dinner... drop in company so never got to cooking. Ate 1.5 pieces. Half a piece in fridge which I bet I’ll graze on later (Arnie ate the rest.... that’s what happens when I eat less (or try to keep some leftovers) – he eats more but he manages it somehow)
Should not eat much tomorrow since I am making the dreaded corned beef and cabbage dinner for Arnie and Sam.
Okay so I had to go to Dr today ...have bad hip pain...back to rest and PT appt in the next week...I intend to recover quickly from this! I am doing the upper arm work outs that I suggested to PB...great huh!
ReplyDeleteAt least the muscle spasm is better than the alternative appendix! I did not much at all today...So tomorrow it is off to PT and some ideas to get this ball rolling again.
Gosh Deb, that sucks. Do you think it's been building up from running or sudden? Muscle spasms are so painful.
ReplyDeleteI did 30+ painful minutes with the Wii (fun but painful... kicking it up) Never got for a walk because it started to rain so I got engrossed in work.
Anxious to hear what they say tomorrow in PT.
Deb, you looked good today...hid the pain well. I guess we do that as we get older. Tough it up, so to speak. I have been so embarrassed and put to shame by what you and Nancy have been accomplishing with your health goals. I FINALLY did what I should have done a long time ago, and made a Dr.s appt. (not until 4/17) to address my fibro, especially the back pain issue, which I have to do to get a referral to a REAL Dr. who will hopefully help me out with this. The embarrassing part, for ME, is I don't enjoy complaining about pain...don't really want attention from it, but I have been putting off dealing with it, hence my 20 lb. weight gain. So, I am going to proceed with that now, and walk when I have the energy left to do so, and stop beating myself up about my physical state, and start from scratch. So, be patient with my reporting and my progress. I will get there. Just not as quickly as I would like to!!
ReplyDeleteKathy GREAT!!! I saw a something on FB earlier regarding back pain but you must have deleted it before I got back. Gosh, if it hurts then complain! It’s very safe here to do so. Very glad you are addressing it.
ReplyDeleteDeb - any update from PT?
Me -- not a good day, my weight was up a little (need to figure out why, could be monthly timing) Was an Augusta meeting day so limited time here... no time to do any exercise. Included a 2 hour business lunch at 99 so I ate.
Yet to have anything for dinner (fed Arnie soup) Need to make sure I eat something before sleeping and get back on track tomorrow.
Oh no, now smelling cookies - I did stop at Hannaford's in Augusta and cookie mix was on sale - Arnie must have found the mix.
I love Arnie! He is a hoot.
ReplyDeleteKathy do not worry about complaining...You are too good a person--feel good about what you do accomplish and do not come down on yourself when you do not get something done. Believe me you are doing great by being here and keeping up...it starts with a few ideas, some friends to motivate you and gets even better with warm weather. Oh yeah and the muscle relaxer I am on right now makes it ALL seem possible. shhhh I am dreaming. Keep it up ladies and Nancy I have appt next week...but the side is better for sure with meds. I am not giving up!
Not doing great with weight - hope it's a monthly timing thing...
ReplyDeleteWalked my 2 miles today and shaved some time off. No ab stuff, not time (or I just did not make time… that’s the real reason, will get better)
Heading to Massachusetts tomorrow for a family event and to spend some time with Dad (I try to go every few months and work half days from there) Will bring Wii but will need to increase my walk miles since there are no hills around the his house.
And, we eat out a lot... He already has 2 meals planned on Monday for going out - linked to going to a monastery in VT for mass. Should be an interesting day?? It’s linked to Mom’s death so important to him (thus important to me.)
Thank you for your kind and supportive words. It makes me feel better and I WILL get a handle on my health and getting more fit. I am going to Wells/Sanford area today to have lunch with all three of my sisters, and hope to walk on Wells beach, cold or not!! I AM going to get a Wii when it fits in the little budget here. :) It is a lot of fun and the get fit program looks awesome!!! Spring is coming and I am heading out into it!!
ReplyDeleteYou go Kathy. I was thinking of walking on the beach today. It should be pretty nice. Enjoy the time with your sisters that is so important.
ReplyDeleteI am planning a two mile walk. Will update hip! I am glad for this little group to keep it on the front burner. I am also researching Weight Watchers on line..a friend does it and it seems to make a lot of sense. Let you know.
Hope you both got to walk today with NO pain.
ReplyDeleteMe, nothing - did not even go through Wii body test, spent 4 hrs driving and just had yum chinese food (So much better in MA than ME.) Tomorrow much better (did bring Wii)!!!
Okay did you use the Wii? I did twenty minutes with Jillian today...it was really hard. I am not sure why it was so hard...Gosh I feel old today.
ReplyDeleteyes why is the Chinese better down there? I miss some good ethnic foods when I am up in Norway. Had great Mexican food last night...really good.
No, still have not hooked it up and only walked 2 flat miles today. Gotta get going tomorrow... I hope. Good for you on Jillian (my DVD never came in, I forgot I need to track it down)
ReplyDeleteDown here this is so much more competition with restaurant choices (although Dad is insistent on driving 15 minutes to his fav Chinese) also different taste than Maine -- pizza is so different and, IMO so much better than ME but it could be taste. And.... I had pizza today at a party... need to stop eating or get moving!!
Hey 2 miles is 2 miles..better than no miles. I am sure that between traveling and meetings my day is not going to be so hot either...Wish me luck will check in later.
ReplyDeleteAlmost did not post but have too...
ReplyDeleteThings can only go up from here - no chance for walk or anything today. Think I had good excuse but still feel guilty. Worked like crazy till 1pm then headed to VT with Dad, just got back. Ate out twice - tried to be good with salad for lunch and cioppino for dinner but still not good. Will try better tomorrow.
I did nothing as well...ugh what are we going to do...I am trying to get in a workout today. Really!!! Off to Norway. I agree Nancy they can only get better. We cannot quit.
ReplyDeleteI did nothing today also....lol! Well, I ate fairly well, fruit, salads, threw a candy bar in the trash..(wish I had it now!) Having a glass of wine now, and it tastes very good! Got more info about Personal Best gym and programs they offer, (for the Center) but for me also. I am getting Spring Fever and getting antsy and ready for the outdoors!!!
ReplyDeleteNot good again. Remember I am with Dad working half days so today we went to Mohegan for the afternoon - he says we walked a mile... maybe we did but a VERY slow mile around slot machines DON'T think that counts. I am now afraid to hook up Wii down here. Might be best to take all the bad news at once.
ReplyDeleteDid eat at Todd English's restaurant down there. Buffet (which I normally hate) but very well done and had enough healthy yum food. Only issue I had there was dessert (remember I rarely eat sweets) one dessert I cannot resist: Crème Brule. It was there, it was yummy…. I did indulge AND you should have seen the shock on Dad’s face when I went back for another helping. Really did not have much but OMG was it good.
Think I’ll make it for Easter (yes, I will eat it again then)
Not sure if I am heading back to ME tomorrow or Thursday. Need to get back to working full days and stop eating out. Dad, Arnie, and I will negotiate tomorrow morning (Arnie’s being great even though internet and Turbo Tax is down for some reason at home). It’s hard, Dad does not want me to leave but…. I do live in ME…. But he is fully aware I can work from anywhere … we’ll see.
Ah that is so nice...it is wonderful that you have the relationship with your father that you do.
ReplyDeleteAs for me..yup not good either. What is up with us Ladies? Today on the road all day slept too late for any real work out. Tired. I am really wondering if my thyroid medication is even working b/c I am so darn tired. But I hope to at least do ten minutes somewhere. Let's see.
Today was better but still much room for improvement. We finally ate in today. Dad prepared a very healthy dinner... but at 4pm :) He was a little confused as I was still getting business calls after dinner... 4pm IS work day Dad! Assume I'll need a snack later.
ReplyDeleteSo, we did take a long walk after dinner to visit Mom's grave at a good pace for 2 miles.
Back to ME tomorrow, did weigh myself today but not in Wii, When I get back on Wii I think I'll need to reset my goal.
Deb/Kathy -- it is SO hard when we have busy days with work. And you 2 have so more of those on the road days than I do.
Totally empathize - in my old life (post divorce and before moving to ME) I'd work all day (2-3 out of 5 days teaching) then teach another class in the evening. I used to think it so normal to come home at 9pm, eat dinner (normally pasta), and crash for the next day. OR I’d be in Geneva NY teaching – total unhealthy road life – I did this at least one week a month.
When do folks who do this all the time have the space to do anything else? I am very grateful for my semi-flexible life now (but not for the times when I need to work all day and evening, and they are still there)
Okay so I am not feeling real well today...work was all I could muster and even then half there..fighting this same cold I worried I would get before Florida..Doing some stretches and light work out ...pretty lame indeed. Tomorrow morning in for the half hour workout before I leave the house.
ReplyDeleteI really feel like I need to get new energy. Nancy good on the walk and healthy eating..I snacked too much today! So I am off to bed to read and stop the madness!