It is so great to be here on the first of 2010. I love the sound of the year. I wonder, however, what will we call these years? We cannot say the 60's or 70's ...seriously the 10's sounds pretty silly.
What will come in this decade. When I see the list of top stories of the past decade...wow. How the world has changed. The fight on terror, 9/11 forever imprinted on our brains, our first black president, Iraq and Afghanistan, Tony Blair, George Bush, all of it seems beyond belief. Loosing yet the last of our beloved Kennedy brothers. For those of us in the Northeast the Kennedy's represented the closest thing to royalty we could ever imagine. I know that many hated Ted's politics but few hated the man. I listened to his dear friend Orin Hatch and figure that is as good a measure as one can get. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0809/26482.html
So the decade was filled with a million and one things--- I particularly liked this OpChart in the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/12/27/opinion/28opchart.html and from the other side of our country these pictures are pretty telling from the LA Times http://www.latimes.com/la-2009photos-html,0,270887.htmlstory
So today we get to start with fresh white snow (up here in Maine) and a hope that this decade brings more promise and hope than the last. I certainly pray that Obama is correct that "we can" do better and will do better. Perhaps peace will get another chance and the world will come to its' collective senses. It is worth considering on this first day of 2010. I will miss Teddy though! Happy New Year.
Happy 2010 and I too hope this decade brings more promise and hope than the last. I shall believe that it will.It seems most people look back and remember the past year, and we look back at the past decade. Thank God the "Bush era" is over, and I am praying folks will survive the Maine State budget predicament and that Maine will "step up" and do what's right for the folks who need our help the most. I also hope peace gets a chance, especially after watching another group of young people on the local news leave Maine to prepare to go to Iraq to fight for our chance for peace. May they all return home to their families...alive. I am by no means an expert on politics and government, but it seems that things are making the right turn for us "regular hard working folks", and Teddy would be proud to see his Health Care plans becoming closer to reality. I will miss Teddy too! Happy and Hopeful New Year!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kathy...We have little choice but to be hopeful at this point.