So not only do I wake up at 2am with a million thoughts worthy of my full attention but only half drifting in and out of my conscious mind...I am ruining my teeth. Seriously these puppies are going to fall out of my head. With the cost of dental work these days and the sorry reality of dental insurance (what do they really pay at all?) I cannot afford to destroy my teeth. To date I have broken several back teeth and lost a crown and a major filling. The worst part of this all is that right now we, my husband and I, are paying for his teeth to be fixed so I have to stop. He has a huge project going on and that is all the money we have. I am looking at somewhere around $3500 worth of work and his is over $10,000. Now what is wrong with that picture????
If people who make a good living, have a home and good jobs and dental insurance cannot afford the high cost of dental work what the heck is happening to others? There are hundreds of articles about the cost of dental insurance and care, the reality is that people then end up in Emergency Rooms which are not equipped to handle teeth. But where else can people go?
I figure the grinding of my teeth is a sign of stress so I have to figure out how to reduce that in my life. Hmmmm any suggestions? I could quit my job but that would add financial distress, I could sell my house but I would hate a small apartment, I could disown my whole family but I would miss them terribly. I will ponder this more and let you know. For now I am going to keep working out and look for a good mouth guard. Like that will work!