I use the word codependency loosely but it is how I view myself, after 51 years of life I am pretty clear my diagnosis is correct. I live in every one's head, I think I understand what they are feeling, I react to that feeling and I feel all kinds of "stuff" based on that feeling. How about that for an explanation? No Wikepedia but you get the picture.
All my life I have felt blessed to be able to "read the room" very quickly. I meet someone and make quick judgments, then (this is where it gets good) I react to the person based on those "readings" and generally I give them what they want. Sounds easy, but live a lifetime of this and it is exhausting. I have only begun to understand the full power of this in my life now as I struggle to meet more needs, divergent needs than is possible. I have decided that I could, if I could sit still long enough, write a book about this lifestyle. I think I would title it "Codependents cannot train Dogs". See the empathy factor of a good codependent makes it impossible to be the Alpha Dog. That is my theory anyway.
So for today I accept this is who I am and will try harder to forgive folks in my life for my unrealistic expectations. I will also try to remember that I give to give not to get back.
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