So here it is ....the holiday season and here we are with all that expectation and baggage. I used to visualize my "baggage" as a big ole pile of garbage following me around. The dutiful puppy, which I never owned because all of my dogs are raised by me and out of control. A good codependent has issues raising dogs. Maybe that should be the title of my book.
I digress which is something I do with great frequency, rather enjoy it actually. I liken it to stringing the "chain of causation" in a good tort case. How do all these seemingly unlike factoids actually fit into one conversation? Simple they are all related to the same author.
Okay so my mother is fighting with my sister and with the world. My mother who has lived with me the past two years and brought all of her dysfunction and her issues to the mix, who left to be with my other sister two weeks ago in a huff, a bad night and now is with other sister. The respite has been wonderful but it is sad because she is not wonderful. All in all she is upset, angry and now will not come to my stupid house for Thanksgiving. Well okay but we still have your life to deal with and the three sisters,whom you raised to distrust and generally dislike each other..who by the way have only really come back to liking each other in the past few years, are struggling to work through all this. What a life. Confused? So am I. But hey it is the holidays. Happy Turkey day with whatever that brings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteStuffing comes with Thanksgiving.
Stuffing is made with stuff and then plugs the hole in the Turkey and the older we get te better we get at plugging holes with stuff.
The good thing is that we usually make our stuffing with the stuff we really like-apples, breads, seasonings, etc.
So fill your Thanksgiving with the things you like and it will all be good.