So what a great time to take some vacation days. I had a whirlwind Thanksgiving which was better because I knew that Monday would be all about me. Just getting time to cruise with hubby and hit second hand stores, have a lunch somewhere new and enjoy the ride. We are pretty simple in our fun.
Mom is back home, did I mention she left for a few weeks? She was not happy recently, she is not happy a lot lately. The Alzheimer's nightmare has been harder on her these past months. She is forgetting more and more and has faced her inability to drive. This forgetting makes her cranky and understandably depressed. Of course she was never one to take depression lightly. So after a few days with Becky (sister) and Lynn (other sister) she has returned. Last night she rearranged her room! Alone! This morning we rode to take the grand kids to school (their Mom is studying for law exams). It made Great grammy happy to see the school and be a part of the morning routine. It made the girls happy to show off their school. It was a good thing. As for the rest is not easy but nothing is. I pray for patience for us all.
Off to shop for deals with Bob...the beans are baking and life in Eliot is quiet and peaceful.