Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who among us knows Hallelujah?

My hubbie has this thing he does...every day he posts the "song of the day" on Eliot on is a local list serve. He puts a great deal of thought into these songs...such as Sunday is always spiritual and the weeks have themes. Recently he posted a song that has been with me for days by its' original is a beautiful song and worth the listen. the song and the original creator was Leonard Cohen...the words are so beautiful. The images he creates with his words are so wonderful...there is a line that he uses "its a very cold and broken hallelujah" and so many times in my life I have known that feeling...but I am grateful that I know the take a listen.

Happy Happy Hallelujah!


  1. Don't you just love that song? It is too strange Ms Kathy...I just read comments from the folks on the last posting before reading your comment...I had written "can I get an Amen" then I came to your post...way cool my friend!!!
