So the alarm went off at 5:15, the usual which allows me for two snooze hits and still be on time for almost anything. Now this morning I am not sure what happened but the snooze turned to the off button. Today is Rotary Day and clearly I am not going to be able to be present for that...Of course I feel guilty. I feel guilty about everything. But I am fighting that after all here I am and get to do my notes before heading to Augusta. Looking for the good in the day and the "right" of the moment.
I find it hard work to wake up each day, smile before I groan and feel grateful before worried. I know it is available to me, it is my choice and that makes the challenge even greater. How many people are able to wake up joyful? Do most people feel tired and wish the alarm would stop? I think I will spend more time with my faith and find a new way to wake up. I will say this-- when I hit the snooze button I do feel wonderfully happy to sleep for ten minutes. Much personal work to do...I am trying not to feel guilty about this!
I am finding that I am waking up the same way, but I try to hide it, especially from those who don't deserve or need to see it. I have faith. I know things will be okay. There is a lot to deal with. hubby laid off, daughter struggling to keep her feet on the ground, Daniel and his needs and daily challenges that make the day hard for all of us sometimes, money, work, family, life........AUUUUUUGGGH!! If I hit the snooze button, I wouldn't fall back alseep anyways. But I also find that when I get up and get going there is always something to smile about, even laugh about. I love to laugh!! My dogs make me laugh, even tho some are sick now, and we are juggling medications for them, and people at work make me smile and give things meaning, and the family is a mixture of joy, despair and wonder...too many adjectives to put in here. Things just seem harder these days, but I know it will all be okay........
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing what faith can do for us...you are so strong with faith and it is great to remind me. I always appreciate your words and thoughtfulness. Of course you are correct and the attitude to find good in the day, the moment is so perfect. Thanks KB