Okay I read too much this weekend about diets. What foods help increase metabolism, what foods work on the chubby belly syndrome. Seems to me that the green leafy ones are very highly rated. Then I read about this diet that one of the women's magazines was claiming high success rates: eat a huge breakfast! Now that sounds good. My issue is that when I do eat breakfast I tend to be hungry the rest of the day. But I love breakfast, most of the time I just do not have time so I hold out until lunch. I wonder if I ate a big breakfast around 10am if I would just then go straight to dinner and call it a day.
Oh and just for the record, do not buy snacks! I have found that I have no will power at all. Bought a can of my favorite cashews (with lots of salt) and was not really good about keeping those puppies closed up last night. That is my worst habit, snacking after dinner.
I like feeling healthy and not fighting with my clothes. I do not need to be thin but I really do not like tight jeans, they are uncomfortable. Hate to buy more. So I think I will cook some broccoli!
Damn! I just wrote this long comment and it disappeared! LOL! Out to shovel I go!
ReplyDeleteI’m impressed! Swapping cashews for broccoli is something that I doubt I could do. There are limits to my willpower and that would be the ultimate test. I love broccoli, but in the evening when I want to snack believe me when I say that broccoli is never on my radar. Popcorn is my weakness. I like the microwave stuff that is high in fat and calories. I can easily eat a couple of bags at a time and enjoy every bit of it while washing it down with a glass of wine. I need to start pulling out the hot-air popper and use that instead of the really tasty microwave stuff that I love so much. For me, giving up microwave popcorn would be like someone else trying to quit smoking. I’m totally addicted to it and I know it’s wrong but it’s so yummy! I’ve vowed to try to eat better so I need to find a replacement for my weakness for microwave popcorn. In the past I’ve tried eating oranges as well as carrot and celery sticks….they didn’t work! I read where walnuts are good for you in moderation. I know that they sell very small bags of walnuts….maybe I’ll try those (one bag at a time) but I also need something else. Suggestions anyone?
ReplyDeleteMore later but... Priscilla, I almost fell off my chair laughing when I read:
ReplyDelete"I love broccoli, but in the evening when I want to snack believe me when I say that broccoli is never on my radar."
A good bag of salad greens with grapes and walnuts (damn I love to put on too much French dressing)gives me the needed crunch and with either some feta cheese or ANY cheese is really good for you. Unfortunately, unlike potato chips, it gets BORING!!!!! It does fill me up if I eat at 6:00 or after so that I don't care about snacking. Now about that 2nd glass of red wine after dinner and "here's to my health!"
ReplyDeleteBut I don't smoke...............
You are funny! I know I would never give up the wine .... I have a tee shirt that my daughter gave me that says "Nana needs a glass of wine". Boy is that good or bad? How many calories in a glass of wine anyway...I do not want to know.
ReplyDeleteMost of my calories probably come from wine!! Not good but it MUST be better than potato chips. Will not buy cashews… peanuts I enjoy a few but cashews …. The whole can is gone once I open it.
ReplyDeleteDeb - could you start an item for recipes and food ideas? So far it sounds like we are savory snackers -- need to share some healthier ones... and not broccoli!! I have some but too tired tonight :)
Oh, my favorite veggies (I dislike vegetables):
Broccoli or cauliflower in cheese sauce
Creamed spinach
Green bean casserole (the real kind, not Campbell’s)
Asparagus wrapped in cream cheese and prosciutto then broiled
Healthy huh? Don’t worry force myself to eat them naked daily. Buy NEVER ask me to eat a pea… regardless of its camouflage.
I like peas...what is wrong with the pea? It is green and round and great with a lot of butter and salt...oh no maybe that is the issue.
ReplyDeleteI would be glad to start a healthy snack thread...is it not so funny that in our life time we thought of thread as something we use to sew material.
I want the asparagus recipe!
So you never were stuck at the dining room table with 6 peas on your plate till all hours of the night? (total exaggeration, but that's what it felt like)
ReplyDeleteI can post tons of recipes on a food thread (and designate them as healthy or just delicious and worth the Sat night treat)
Thread.... did not use the word... must be because it falls into the same category as peas for me. The hours kneeling next to my Mom's chair as she took the seam ripper to my poor sewing... :)
Breakfast. I know it's good for us but agree with Deb. Once I start eating for the day it continues... like opening a dam.
ReplyDeleteBUT it is good for us - do believe we burn those calories so quickly. Personally cannot eat early in the morning but we all should try. And technically, first thing in the morning with regular meals. I eat small portions through the day (once the dam opens) Drives Arnie batty when I pick at dinner...
I like cereal for a snack. I like oatmeal a lot! (Not the pre-packaged kind, ) but the real oats you cook on the stove. I add dried cranberries for sweetness and a very light sprinkle of dark brown sugar and skim milk. I love peanutbutter, so why can't it be good for me???? I always try to have bananas available and green grapes, when they don't look all spotty. Wine, well that is not something I ever intend to give up. It is good for whatever I may have had to endure during the day. (Now, I don't drink wine every day, but it's always available!) I like lots of good things, but do I always buy them? No..........I will do what I can each day, and try not to beat myself up too bad for my bad choices. Exercising more is what I really need to do.
ReplyDeleteThe breakfast is important you are correct...And the peanut butter yummie...Oh goodness must exercise.
ReplyDeleteI HATE oatmeal, even in a cookie. Only had it in raw form once at girl scout camp. I am going to try Deb's yogurt recipe. Not a sweets person but it does sound healthy and good breakfast kick up.
ReplyDeleteOh I wish I was not a sweets person...I do like chocolate too much..but would take pasta over almost anything. Really good pasta with lots of garlic, olive oil and cheese.
ReplyDeleteWith salad for dinner you are making me hungry. Pasta is my first love....
ReplyDeleteHealthy snacks!?? clearly I am on the wrong thread. LOL
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny Claire...Nancy that is the problem with salad for dinner it is like you need to go to bed right away or you get hungry!
ReplyDeleteI agree about eating the salad right before bedtime!!! Salad at 6:00......snack foraging at 7:00. I truly do much better at exercising in the warm weather. My fibromyalgia does not respond well to cold weather. Deb, what is the deal on memberships at the gym? I could do that if I went right after work.I am struggling to find the right balance to find the energy to do for myself.......I am not finding it
ReplyDeleteClaire - you must have some healthy snacks!
ReplyDeleteKathy - summer is coming, think of the difference in energy because of daylight (and good weather) If this was July I would NOT be inside on the computer!!
oh my goodness Claire has a cookie business...she creates these incredible cookies and decorates them for special occassions..they are wonderful. She is an awesome cook ...I suspect she believes in butter and cream and all the good stuff! :)
ReplyDeleteOh Claire! We must schedule something once Deb comes back and teach us (for the men... of couse we will no eat them... yeah sure)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah she is killer with the baking. Claire you are the best of the best when it comes to working the baked goods. Much we could all enjoy. Maybe we all fast for a week and then spend a weekend in indulgence!
ReplyDeleteWe can start a new "cookies and fitness" and have one person run ahead of the rest with a plate of Claire's cookies and see how far we can all walk in order to grab that plate and eat one!!
ReplyDeleteOk, laugh of the day goes to... Kathy!!! Which horrid hill shall we walk?
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness Kathy that is funny. I am going to have Claire research the perfect lo cal cookie...maybe we canmake a bunch of money. The lady who developed no pudge fudge brownies is doing really well!