So leaving the best place I have been in 20 years was not so easy. My 82 year old mother who lives with me is depressed...that means we all experience her pain....there is a bunch of snow around the house and the laundry is sky high. I am not sure I want to be back.
I loved letting go for a week, in fact I highly recommend vacation. I am eager to return to work and feel refreshed, sounds crazy but true. I am also eager to start to plan for my final vacation at hmmmm age 70? is that the new 65?
I am pretty sure that I want to be where it is warm for at least part of each winter. (Oh my goodness I will be a snow bird.) Life is funny huh? When did I become older, when did the activities of 70 years old look good to me? I watched these people walking everyday along the beach road, having early dinners and drinks by the beach and it looked good to me. I think I will include kayaks in my future I discovered how much I really enjoyed that activity, especially in the warm waters of Florida. What do you all envision for your retirement? Do we even really think we will? I think I will always do something...but maybe less stressful like part time grant writing or consulting...But I sure do believe in early bird specials and morning walks!