The morning drive is a unique beast out here in LA. I approach the 405, always with a degree of anticipation and in trepidation. Will we move? Will one of the four available lanes (no HOV since I am alone) move faster than 30 mph. Will I be on time ? I watch the other drivers, some putting on makeup (that falls into the distracted driver offense...I am guilty) some, no many on their phones (we cannot hold them here so we talk to our visors or seemingly to air...perhaps a tiny ear piece). Some may possibly be talking to themselves (guilty here) or singing. But I do not think I see a lot of singing on the 405.
So that is how thousands of us begin a day. I know there is no other place on earth like the 405 but there are many similar route 95, 495 or the loop. (yes northeast girl with some knowledge of Chicago). I am left to ponder what does that do to us as people, this thing called commuting. I recall in the 70s we got signs and had a phase of trying to communicate with our fellow commuters but today we seem to prefer to ignore. Do not make eye contact. Kind of screwed up way to start a day. Thank goodness for Public Radio.