So where exactly does the time go? It seems like forever ago that I last wrote. It is tempting to drop this whole blogging effort however it is because of that desire I am here writing. After all there must be something worthy of "the blog".
Time and how is passes...As I had my hair trimmed yesterday I looked into the mirror thinking wow my face is my father's face. Then I thought wow, I am old. Then I took off my glasses and almost feel asleep. Time sure does pass quickly. I guess the question for me was: what are you doing to mark it? What moments will you take from this time?
So my exercise is to think about the past five years, what do I think about that makes me smile, makes me wish I could return to that hour, that minute? I always go to Bookelia. I am not sure exactly why but I do. That house, that water, those dolphins. I think about fires in the back yard and holidays. Why holidays? I suspect because we put so much emphasis on enjoying those days. We stop-listen-play and enjoy. I think about a few friends and gatherings..a shared meal. I think about the grand babies and their uniforms for St Marys.
Today I am going to focus on things I might remember! Maybe creating memorable times each day would be worth while? Happy Monday!